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Great Valley Center News Blog

Friday, June 26, 2009

Welcome ALF Northern San Joaquin Valley chapter

We are proud to announce that Stanislaus, Merced, and San Joaquin counties are the heart of the newest ALF chapter. The chapter will be the 11th in the nation and the 3rd in California. It is true testament to the success of the organization which has been going strong for 20 years.

Currently, the network of leaders is being formed, and will pay dividends across city and county lines, but also social, economic and political boundaries. Through a year of hard work, facilitated by nationally-known experts, each ALF class member will be better able to address challenges for the region, workplace and personal life. The inaugural class will establish relationships that build trust and cooperation, and will be armed with new skills for taking on difficult issues, appreciating diverse views, and identifying resources to turn dialogue into action.

The inaugural class features 18 outstanding leaders who have committed to strengthening their leadership skills and networks in the region over the course of
the next year. These fellows are:

Steve Arounsack (California State University, Stanislaus), Debra Brady (First United Methodist Church, Modesto), Debra Brown (Kaiser Hospital, Modesto), Wendy Byrd (Modesto/Stanislaus NAACP & Modesto Junior College), Ben Duran (Merced College), Lisa Finer (Wells Fargo), Ron Foster (Foster Farms), John Garamendi, Jr. (University of California, Merced), Kathy Halsey (AT&T), Flip Hassett (United Way, Merced), Dennis Lee (Central Valley Asian American Chamber of Commerce), Linda Lopez (Office of Congressman Cardoza), Noah Lor (City of Merced, City Council), Virginia Madueno (Imagen Public Relations), Marian Martino (Martino Graphic Design), Pat Patrick (Lodi Chamber of Commerce), Robert Santos (Monte Vista Small Animal Hospital), Cynthia Wagner-Weick (University of the Pacific).

→Find out more about ALF here