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Great Valley Center News Blog

Monday, July 6, 2009

Wednesday July 8

California's Road to Recovery
Economic Stimulus Conference

The conferences will bring together local, regional, state, and federal experts from numerous industry sectors including transportation, education, broadband, workforce training, and energy. The discussions will provide practical and technical guidance on how local communities--including public agencies and private employers--can access some of the $85 billion in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding that has already begun flowing into the state's economy.

California State University, Fresno
Leon S. and Pete P. Peters Educational Center
Student Recreation Center
5010 N. Woodrow Ave
Fresno CA

The California Commission for Jobs and Economic Growth, in cooperation with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's Recovery Task Force, is hosting a series of three conferences focusing on transforming California's share of federal stimulus funding into new jobs.

→Find more information and register here