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Great Valley Center News Blog

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Redding Record Searchlight Article: How should Shasta county grow?

Monday's Redding Record Searchlight featured an article on the blueprint planning process happening right now in Shasta County. Reporter Scott Mobley did an excellent job representing diverse views about the planning process which has run into some controversy as it works to set a path for land use and transportation planning for the next 40 years.

This article was sparked by the opening of a poll that residents can participate in to select their preferred growth scenario. The poll is available online here.

Great Valley Center President David Hosley is quoted in the story.

"How we accommodate people is the question of our time. How far we are willing to go? Do we want to build up, not out? What kind of choice will people have getting from place to place? We are really talking about the quality of life we are passing on to our granchildren," Hosley said.

→ Read the entire article here

→ Learn more about the Shasta Forward and participate in the poll here