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Great Valley Center News Blog

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

News Advisory

Conference Call Media Briefing on new report “The State of the Great Central Valley: The Economy (3rd Edition)”

The Great Valley Center will hold a conference call Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 10:00 AM to discuss the findings and recommendations of the soon to be released report "The State of the Great Central Valley: The Economy (3rd Edition)"

Media Contact:
Amy Moffat
Great Valley Center
(209) 522-5103

About the State of the Great Central Valley: The Economy: Indicators highlighted in the report include: unemployment, foreclosure rates, growth in the labor force, agricultural land converted to urban development, and work commute times for county residents. The report presents a unique comparison of the data for the Valley to other regions in the state and national averages. During the media briefing, the Great Valley Center will unveil the findings of the report and the recommendations for the region based on these findings.

With a total of almost two dozen indicators, the report is a comprehensive revisit of data first tracked by the Great Valley Center in 1999 as part of the State of the Great Central Valley Indicators Series, an ongoing regional initiative tracking conditions in the 19-county Great Central Valley. The Great Valley Center produces an annual indicator report in the five-part State of the Great Central Valley series. The data presented are a snapshot of information providing tools for measuring the community well-being of the Valley. The reports offer data, analysis, and structure which can be used as a benchmark for assessing the progress of the Central Valley. The report is sponsored by Citi and Kaiser Permanente.

Those who RSVP prior to the call will receive an embargo copy of the report. The report is embargoed until 12:01 am, Saturday, October 24, 2009. Participants must RSVP to to receive call in information.

What: Media briefing via conference call to reveal the findings and recommendations of new Great Valley Center Report “The State of the Great Central Valley: The Economy (3rd Edition)”

When: Thursday, October 22, 2009, 10:00 - 10:45 A.M.

Who: Great Valley Center Director of Research and Communications, and report author Amy Moffat will talk about the report findings, recommendations and answer questions

Participants must RSVP prior to the call to Amy Moffat to receive an embargo copy of the report and call in information.