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Great Valley Center News Blog

Thursday, March 10, 2011

National Parks Institute Executive Leadership Seminar Convenes April 2-16, 2011

National Parks, Reserved Lands the Focus of Leadership Seminar 

MERCED, Calif. — From California's Sierra foothills to Sweden's Tyresta forest, the problems facing the world's national parks and reserved lands are immense and require a new way of thinking.

Park leaders from across the globe are being brought together in April for an intensive, 12-day leadership program to address central issues like climate change, habitat loss, encroachment, budget constraints and rapidly changing leadership.

The program is hosted by the University of California, Merced, the National Park Service, the Institute at the Golden Gate, the Great Valley Center and the National Parks Conservation Association's Center for Park Management.

Quick Facts
  • More than two dozen park leaders from across the globe will take part in UC Merced's second National Parks Institute Executive Leadership Seminar.
  • Participants will discuss effective leadership training for stewarding the world's natural and cultural heritage.
  • Pulitzer Prize-winning scientist E.O. Wilson and National Park Service Director Jon Jarvis will be among those presenting.
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