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Great Valley Center News Blog

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

CPUC increases size and scope of broadband deployment grant program

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) recently enhanced the size and scope of the California Advanced Services Fund (CASF), increasing available grant and loan funds from $100 million to $225 million to build broadband infrastructure throughout the state. This implementation of Senate Bill 1040 adds $100 million to the CASF Broadband Infrastructure Grant Account and $15 million to the CASF Broadband Infrastructure Revolving Loan Account. CPUC’s decision also increases the maximum size of a CASF grant award from 40 percent matching to 70 percent matching of project costs for unserved areas and 60 percent for underserved areas.

CASF is funded by a surcharge paid by end-users and collected by the telecommunications providers in California. The goal of CASF is to bring high-speed broadband Internet service to unserved and underserved communities in California to spur job creation, economic growth, and social benefits.

The CASF program aligns with the goals of the San Joaquin Valley Regional Broadband Consortium (SJVRBC) by providing opportunities to ensure that all consumers in the state have access to the Internet. SJVRBC may be able to provide support and resources to providers applying in the San Joaquin Valley. For more information, contact Christine Nutting at

The application deadlines for the CASF Broadband Infrastructure Grant Program and the Revolving Loan Program are May 15, 2012, for unserved areas, and September 11, 2012, for underserved areas not previously funded by the CASF and hybrid projects that cover both unserved and underserved areas. The Revolving Loan Program will provide supplemental financing for provider projects also applying for CASF grant funding. Click here for an online copy of the CPUC decision.