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Great Valley Center News Blog

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Form-Based Codes: A Planning Tool for Healthier Communities

This month's Valley Futures Forum will be something a little different: a full day workshop on form-based codes, an increasingly popular approach to achieve healthy, vibrant communities, where people live, work, and play. Here are the details:

Form-Based Codes: A Planning Tool For Healthier Communities
Modesto Workshop
Thursday, August 27
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
*Check-in from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m.
Doubletree Hotel
Grand Ballroom 1, 2, & 3
1150 Ninth Street

**Lunch provided**
AICP credit available

The old adage “form follows function” describes the common approach behind land use regulation. Form-based codes turn that relationship on its head by emphasizing the cohesiveness of the public realm and defining the appearance and quality of the built environment.

Form-based codes can be applied to new growth areas, existing neighborhoods, in wholesale code revisions for entire communities or limited to special districts.

The program will include presentations by form-based code experts Dan Parolek and Stefan Pellegrini with Opticos Design, and discussions based on real-world examples in California. The workshop is not just for planners, but anyone interested in building better, more predictable and healthy communities, civic leaders, practicing professionals, and community members.

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